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Product and Service Management in Emeldi Commerce


In the realm of modern business operations, the management of products and services stands as a pivotal factor in determining a company’s success. Emeldi Commerce’s Product and Service Management capabilities address this critical need by offering a comprehensive suite of tools designed to manage a wide array of products and services efficiently. This suite not only caters to physical goods but also extends its expertise to managing logical resources, providing businesses with the versatility required in today’s dynamic market environment.

Product Management and Product Catalogue

The Product Management and Product Catalogue features in Emeldi Commerce® are robust solutions for handling diverse product portfolios. These tools are engineered to manage everything from simple items to complex products with multiple variants. Key functionalities include:

  • Catalogue Organization: Intuitive categorization and organization of products, facilitating easy navigation and management.
  • Product Information Management: Centralized repository for all product-related information, ensuring accuracy and consistency across the business.
  • Flexibility and Scalability: Adaptability to accommodate growing product lines and evolving market demands.

Real-world applications of these features range from retail businesses managing thousands of SKUs to tech companies handling sophisticated software products. The benefits are clear: streamlined operations, reduced errors, and a more organized approach to product management.

Even the most complex products are easy to assemble

Service Management and Self-Service Portal

Emeldi Commerce® excels in service management, offering tools that oversee comprehensive service offerings. Key aspects include:

  • Service Lifecycle Management: Efficient tracking and management of service offerings from inception to retirement.
  • Customer Empowerment through Self-Service: Enabling customers to access services, manage their accounts, and find information independently through a user-friendly portal.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Improved customer satisfaction through quick and easy access to services.

These functionalities have empowered businesses to offer superior customer experiences, leading to increased loyalty and customer retention.

The 360 Customer Dashboard is a prime example of self-service for both customers and employees.

A significant advantage is that both the end customer and the employee operate in the same environment, enabling easy assistance to the customer at any time.

Resource Management

Resource Management in Emeldi Commerce® is all about maximizing the efficiency and utilization of resources associated with products and services. This encompasses:

  • Stock Management: Sophisticated tools for tracking stock levels, order fulfillment, and inventory turnover.
  • Digital Asset Management: Efficient handling of digital resources, ensuring they are leveraged effectively across all business processes.
  • Optimized Resource Allocation: Ensuring that resources are used optimally, reducing waste and improving overall operational efficiency.

By effectively managing both physical and digital resources, businesses can achieve higher levels of efficiency and cost-effectiveness.


Emeldi Commerce’s Product and Service Management capabilities provide businesses with the tools they need to manage their offerings efficiently. From detailed product catalogues to comprehensive service management and resource optimization, Emeldi Commerce® stands as a comprehensive solution, driving operational excellence and enhancing customer satisfaction.