KBC (ČSOB) Czech Rep. Case Study

ČSOB Group, founded in 1964, is a member of KBC Group, an integrated bank-assurance group, catering mainly for retail customers, small and medium-sized enterprises and private banking clientele. KBC occupies leading positions on its home markets of Belgium and Central and Eastern Europe, where it specializes in retail bank-assurance and asset management activities, as well as in the provision of services to businesses.

ČSOB Group wanted to execute a business transformation program called the Self Service Platform (SSP) in order to strengthen its position as a leading financial services provider in the Czech market.


Within the group, it was decided that a portal would be the best functional and technological fit, and chose Liferay Portal. A range of portal options were evaluated to host the site, and following a pre-study, Liferay emerged as the most suitable technology.